When did the volcano that Darion and Cody are climbing last erupt?
I've had 2 answers for this one - one answer has said it has never erupted properly but last showed 'volcanic activity' 10,000yrs ago. The second answer said it hasn't erupted in the last 18,000yrs...the volcano that Darion and Cody climbed is called San Pedro and is in Guatemala.
The golden temple is in Amritsar and is made of gold, stone/marble and wood. There are other temples like it but the one in Amritsar is quite famous. Most of it is gold plated and the roof is made entirely of gold.
Are the boats in India called gondolas?
"Those boats are special in Kashmir, in the North-western part of India and they're called 'Shikaaras' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikara I think they're the gondolas of Kashmir!"
What is it like to be in India?
It is hard to give you a real impression of what it is like in India! If you are in the city it is very busy and noisy during the day but in the countryside people have a daily routine and a much quieter way of living. You will often see cows in the streets because cows are sacred in India and there are a lot of stray dogs in the streets too in the busier areas.
I can't find what the crest is actually called but I can tell you what the crest shows and why. Long ago there was a civilisation called the Aztecs who lived in the area that Mexico is. The Aztec people believed they were told by one of their Gods that when they saw an Eagle perched on a
Nopal cactus with a serpent (rattle snake) in its talon, located on an
island, this is where they should begin to build their permanent city.
They supposedly did encounter this on an island in the middle of a
lake (Lake Anáhuac) now known today as México City.The eagle and snake on the crest of the Mexican flag represents this.
What does Indian food taste like? Is it different to English food?
Indian food is usually spicy and served with either rice or various types of bread such as naans of chapatis. Desserts and sweets are also VERY sweet. It is different to English food. Why do you think this is? Where do spices come from?
How hot is India?
We will find the answer to this in class when using the atlases.
What food do Mexicans eat?
Check back here soon for an answer!
Where is Mexico near to?
Mexico is below the United States of America and above Guatemala and Belize.
What are the schools like in India?
This is a photograph of my classroom in Nepal. Hulya has taught in India and her classroom looked quite similar. We did not have interactive whiteboards like we do in England and the desks are long benches instead of tables. Both Hulya and I used to teach outside regularly - why do you think this was? Looking at the picture, what similarities and differences can you think of when you compare it to our classroom?
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